The Lost Year

Having had websites or a blog for many years and deciding to start again from scratch my first decision was to remove all previous material as I felt that the temptation to recycle material would be too great and consequently defeat the object of the exercise. I live alone and I am in my 70’s so one would have thought that under the circumstances 2020 would have been a perfect time to start my new project however my enthusiasm literally evaporated, my get up and go went, so I find myself almost a year later finding the resolve to get down to business.

I am now operating in a very limited space so my plan last year was to have a series of trips out to local gardens and events to find new material but, as we all know, this was doomed to failure. The back-up plan was to write a series of blogs on my favourite genera, this also did not come to fruition but nevertheless that is the way I intend to go for the immediate future.

I have already written a post on one of my favourites, epimediums, but my real love lies with the likes of Asiatic primulas and meconopsis which, living in the North of England, I have been able to grow with some success. I hope to be able to show and describe some less familiar plants as one of the things I have retained is my photograph library so I have a reminder of some beautiful plants I have grown in the past which I can share.

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